You can mix and dissolve powdered wheatgrass into any coffee beverage. Many people like to add sugar, stevia or other sweeteners to overcome the bitter wheatgrass taste. Others enjoy the taste and choose to pair wheatgrass with an earthy-flavored coffee.
This article shares tips for brewing a tasty alternative to ingesting your daily wheatgrass.
How do you prepare wheatgrass coffee?
Prepare wheatgrass coffee by mixing one teaspoon, or 3-5 grams, of powdered wheatgrass into a brewed cup of coffee. Dissolving it straight into the liquid will maximize the nutrients you extract from it rather than mixing the powder into the bed of coffee grounds.
What is wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass is a super food that’s densely packed with numerous nutrients, such as iron, calcium and magnesium. It is often consumed in a liquid juice form, but also comes in a powdered form that can be mixed into beverages, like coffee.
A study from the Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research even discovered that wheatgrass can slow the growth of oral cancer cells by as much as 41.4%[1].
How much wheatgrass do I put in my coffee?
Most experts agree that one teaspoon, or 3-5 grams, of wheatgrass is an appropriate amount to consume per day. This amount can be mixed into a single cup of coffee or split across multiple cups if you want to dilute the taste even further.
Does wheatgrass mix in coffee?
Wheatgrass is water soluble and will dissolve easily into coffee and pretty much any beverage. It dissolves especially well in hot beverages as the increased temperature will increase the rate at which soluble substances will dissolve.
What’s the best coffee for wheatgrass?
One option is to mix wheatgrass with a dark roast coffee to mask the potent grassy or earthy flavor as much as possible. Dark roast coffee typically has the most aromatics and potent taste. This will be the most effective method for minimizing unpleasant wheatgrass flavors.
However, some people enjoy the taste of wheatgrass and may opt to mix it into a lighter roast so they can taste some of the wheatgrass flavor. Single origin coffee beans from Indonesia often have earthy or mushroom flavors.
As a result, a medium roasted Indonesian coffee from the Sumatra region might provide you with surprisingly good complementary characteristics.
Best brewing method for wheatgrass coffee
Drip machines, pour over, Aeropress and French Press are great coffee making methods for wheatgrass coffee. Espresso and moka pot coffee tend to have more naturally bitter flavors, which doesn’t pair well with the naturally bitter flavors in wheatgrass powder.
Will wheatgrass affect how coffee tastes?
Wheatgrass will impart a grassy, bitter flavor to pretty much any type of coffee you prepare. No coffee making method, bean varietal or roast method will completely eliminate the taste of wheatgrass.
Older wheatgrass will taste more bitter – both if it is harvested late or just stored for a long period of time. Therefore, a younger and freshly cut wheatgrass product will typically make a tastier cup of coffee.
Sweetness is what many people try masking bitterness with. So if you enjoy a sweet beverage then you might consider adding sugar, stevia or other sweeteners to enhance the flavor and further minimize the wheatgrass taste.
Can you put wheatgrass in tea and other hot drinks?
Wheatgrass can be dissolved into any beverage and is often consumed simply in a small shot of water. Some people claim that it pairs well with tea because they have complementary earthy flavors.
- Gore, R. D., Palaskar, S. J., & Bartake, A. R. (2017). Wheatgrass: Green blood can help to fight cancer. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR, 11(6), ZC40.