Learn the secrets to crafting the perfect cup of coffee from the comfort of your own home.


Pour over, french press, moka pot & more.


Beans, roasting, processing, extraction.


Funnels, filters, coffee makers, grinders.


What is the Perfect Temperature For Pour Over Coffee?

199-205°F (93-96°C) is the best water temperature for brewing pour over coffee because it produces an optimal brew strength and extraction yield. This will maximize pleasant aromas and flavors in your coffee while minimizing unpleasant ones.

How To Dial In Pour Over Coffee (Grind Size, Timing, More)

The easiest way to dial in pour over coffee is to determine an optimal brew duration based on your pour over model, local water quality and taste preferences. You can then adjust your grind size up or down based on your brew duration being too short or long.

Why 1:15 is the Best Hario V60 Coffee-To-Water Ratio

1:15 is the best coffee-to-water ratio for Hario V60 coffee. This means one gram of coffee for every 15 grams (or mililiters) of water. This coffee ratio allows you to achieve the perfect extraction so your Hario V60 does have a sour or bitter flavor.

How to Weigh Coffee Without a Scale (Beans, Tbsp, More)

You can weigh your coffee without a scale by counting beans or using a tablespoon to measure whole or ground beans. An average coffee bean weighs 0.136g. 1 tbsp of whole beans weighs 5.29g while 1 tbsp of ground coffee weighs roughly 4.07g.

Does Coffee Grow All Year Round? (Season, Harvest, More)

Coffee is growing all year round in at least one of the roughly 70 coffee-growing countries. Each region has a different growing season, which usually lasts between 6-9 months. These overlapping seasons mean coffee is always growing somewhere.

How Altitude Affects Coffee Taste, Growth, Acidity and More

Arabica coffee is usually grown at an elevation of between 1,300-1,500m. Some countries even grow them above 1,524m, which results in very floral and fruity flavors. Other countries are unable to grow at high altitudes because the temperatures are too cold.